Category Archives: Collaborative Divorce

Is Florida’s Collaborative Divorce Process the Right Fit?
There are multiple ways to resolve financial and legal issues in divorce, and you will probably be happy to learn that not all of them involve a heated battle in court. Several options concentrate on different ways to reach agreement on divorce issues, including informal settlement discussions and mediation. However, you might consider whether… Read More »

What Happens When Florida Collaborative Divorce Does Not Work?
Collaborative law offers numerous benefits for Florida divorce cases, including faster time to completion, and giving the parties more control over the process the ability to be creative with the resolution.. The language of the Florida Collaborative Law Process Act even states that its purpose is to create and promote peaceful, early resolution of… Read More »

What To Include In A Florida Collaborative Divorce Agreement
Many divorcing spouses seek a non-confrontational, amicable resolution to dissolving their marriage, so more couples are turning to collaborative divorce instead of the traditional courtroom setting. Florida’s Collaborative Law Process Act establishes a framework for the parties to work out divorce issues through guidance from their respective attorneys, without the need for court intervention…. Read More »

Comparing Florida Collaborative Divorce To Mediation
Except in cases of extreme animosity or domestic violence, most couples going through divorce in Florida will have three options for resolving the key issues: Collaborative divorce in Florida, a process parties voluntarily undertake; and, Mediation, which the parties could choose – or which the court could order under suitable circumstances. A trial before… Read More »

Statistics On The Benefits Of Florida Collaborative Divorce
Despite what you might think about divorce, , the truth is that more couples are able to resolve their issues through compromise as compared to litigation. Even when some disputes remain, the parties often turn to collaborative divorce as a structured approach to resolving them. As described by the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals… Read More »

Is Florida Collaborative Divorce the Right Fit for Me?
Ending your marriage is a challenging, emotional life event, but divorcing couples do have options for making the process relatively smooth and stress-free. One strategy to consider is proceeding under Florida’s Collaborative Law Process Act, which can be more amicable for the parties. A collaborative divorce can effectively work for couples with children (young… Read More »