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Monthly Archives: May 2024


Is It Better If a Trust or an LLC Owns Your House?

By Laurie R. Chane |

Most people can only dream of owning a house, so you know that you are in a strong financial position if you own your home and are dreaming about ways to make it look like you do not own it.  In 2023, a quarter of single-family home purchases were by investors; therefore, many of… Read More »

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Spendthrift Trusts Are Your Best Defense Against the Florida Shuffle

By Laurie R. Chane |

If there were a simple cure for substance use disorder, your family would not be in this situation. As the parent of an adult who has struggled with drug addiction, your life is a roller coaster in which you cycle between empathy and emotional numbness, between hope and despair, and between blaming yourself, your… Read More »

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Revocable Trusts and Your Taxes

By Laurie R. Chane |

Establishing a trust is a big commitment. Depending upon your age and what you hope to accomplish by the trust, a revocable trust may  be the right choice for you. A revocable trust is just what you need if you are afraid of commitment.  You can modify the trust instrument and change the trustees… Read More »

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Choosing a Beneficiary for Your IRA

By Laurie R. Chane |

The first step in building an estate plan, before you start making wishes, counting your money, or declaring your intentions not to share your prosperity with this or that person is to count your blessings.  You have a family, and you have a retirement account;.  In some ways, it is a win-win situation. What… Read More »

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City Commissioner Under Investigation for Financial Abuse of Elderly Woman

By Laurie R. Chane |

Financial abuse is the most common form of elder abuse, even more common than emotional or physical abuse.  Financial abuse occurs when the abuser coerces the victim into making transactions he or she does not want to make, uses lies or emotional manipulation to get the victim to spend money on the abuser or… Read More »

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