Category Archives: Property Division

How Does Property Division Work in a Florida High Net Worth Divorce?
In any divorce case, one of the important topics that the parties must address is property division. As a result, you might have concerns about your rights when going through a high net worth divorce and the stakes are high. Though these cases are unique for many reasons, Florida divorce laws apply to all… Read More »

Factors To Consider Regarding Pets In Florida Divorce
While not everyone is a pet lover, those who do adore their cats, dogs, and other furry friends would never consider them just another piece of property in divorce. It sounds so inhumane to think of divvying up pets just as you would furniture, vehicles, and a checking account. Unfortunately for those who believe… Read More »

What Factors Affect Property Division In A Florida Divorce?
Property division is an issue that almost all parties will need to address when going through the Florida divorce process, and you may be familiar with the basics. Unlike a handful of other US states that apply a community property approach, Florida divorce laws require equitable distribution of all marital property. As such, property… Read More »

5 Facts You Did NOT Know About Property Division In Florida Divorce
Not all divorcing couples will need to deal with alimony and care for minor children, but the vast majority of parties must address how to divide their assets. Florida divorce laws require equitable distribution of property, an analysis that starts by determining whether an item is marital, partially marital or separate property. The default… Read More »

How Does Cryptocurrency Work In A Florida Divorce Case?
Since the birth of the industry with the launch of Bitcoin in 2009, cryptocurrency has grown to a global market capitalization of $2.21 trillion according to December 2021 figures. Additional industry statistics indicate that approximately one-third of small businesses in the US accept this form of electronic payment and 27 percent of Americans approve… Read More »

How are Digital Assets Divided in a Florida Divorce Case?
As many people rely on technology in their personal and professional lives, it is not surprising that couples will need to address the ownership of digital assets when going through divorce in Florida. Dividing marital property is a central issue in dissolution of marriage proceedings, so you must take into account items in electronic… Read More »