Florida Child Support Terms Parents Need To Know

If you are a parent going through a divorce or paternity case in Florida, you probably already know some of the basics about child support. The child support statute recognizes that both parents have a duty to support. Generally, the parent with the most timesharing will receive child support from the other co-parent. However, in determining child support we consider the income of both parties, daycare and health insurance payments and other obligations.
Knowing these basics is important, but there is additional terminology you should get acquainted with when you are paying or receiving child support. Along with guidance from your Dade City child support attorney, familiarity with the key definitions helps you understand your rights and responsibilities. Here are a few terms to get insight on the laws.
Child Support Obligation: This term describes the legal responsibility to financially provide for the child’s care, comfort, maintenance, and education. The child support obligation is a duty of both parents, but just one of them will be subject to an order of the court to pay the other parent. A court order can also require a parent to pay for health insurance or day care expenses as part of their child support obligation. This order has the effect of law, and it is not modifiable except by a judge’s approval. There are penalties for nonpayment by the child support obligor.
Income Shares: There are two basic structures for child support in the US, and Florida uses this method. The income shares model starts from the proposition that children should receive the same percentage of the parents’ respective incomes that they would if the parents lived under the same roof. It takes into account earnings from each parent and the number of children to be supported. Florida adds into this calculation, the idea that the number of overnights the child(ren) spends in either parent’s care, impacts the amount of child support
Title IV-D: This term is important if a parent has been relying on public assistance to raise the child, such as food stamps or other benefits. A Title IV-D case is one where the State of Florida Department of Revenue is involved. This is because the government wants reimbursement for the amounts it expended to support the parent who was not receiving amounts from the other. Title IV-D rules apply when the obligor is refusing to pay or cannot be located.
Discuss Your Case with a Florida Child Support Lawyer
These are important terms to know about child support, but retaining experienced legal counsel is a priority for a real-life case. For more information about your rights as a parent, please contact The Law Office of Laurie R. Chane. You can call 352-567-0055 or fill out an online form to set up a consultation. Our firm serves clients throughout Pasco County in a wide range of family law matters, so we are happy to help.