3 Apps to Streamline Florida Divorce

Divorce is never an easy process and, for many parties, it is one of the most anxiety-inducing experiences they will experience. According to the American Institute of Stress, ending a marriage ranks second on a list of stressful life events, earning a score of 73 points out of 100. With these numbers in mind, you would probably be open to strategies to make things easier during divorce proceedings and after entering the final decree.
Fortunately, divorce is an area where technology can provide a wealth of benefits. There are multiple mobile apps available on a range of topics that come up in connection with divorce, serving to streamline the process and minimize the tension. You can greatly reduce your stress levels by retaining a Dade City divorce attorney to handle the legal details, but these three mobile apps may help with some of the logistics.
- Co-Parenting and Family Management: AppClose
The focus of this app is organization and the notion that defined structures can reduce the potential for disputes between parents. AppClose features tools for making parenting time schedules, sending pickup and drop off requests, and communicating through time-stamped messages for transparency and accountability. Depending on your co-parenting arrangement and needs, other options include:
- OurFamilyWizard, This is the app most ordered in cases throughout Pasco, Hillsborough, and Hernando County. It notates when a parent updates a calendar, a message or even a request for repayment of funds. Likewise, it will record when the other parent first reads the information. Your laywer can check in on the communications easily if necessary. This program costs $99 per year and an additional $10 if you use a feature called Tone Meter which alerts the writer to “attitude” in the message.
- Talking Parents is similar to Our Family Wizard but it is free. The app is supported by advertisers on the site. Many clients complain that the advertising is annoying. Additionally, if you need a hard copy of the messages, they charge an additional fee. This can quickly cost more than the annual subscription price of OFW.
- coParenter, an app that aims to reduce conflict through a messaging system that keeps content free of language that might instigate problems between co-parents.
- Child Support Obligations: SupportPay
Regardless of whether you are the recipient or payor, it can be challenging to keep up with child support while juggling other personal and professional obligations. SupportPay offers reminders and notification features to help you manage, track, and pay uncovered expenses like medical bills or extracirricular activities. The benefits for both parents include:
- For the paying parent, you can view receipts and expenditures to monitor where the funds are going.
- As the recipient, you have a way of showing the other co-parent just how much it costs to raise a child. Plus, if the payor opts out of using SupportPay, you will have a thorough record of all expenses if you face allegations of wrongdoing.
- Moreover, it can be an easy way to photograph a receipt and timely share it with the other parent.
- Psychological Support for Divorce: Mend
This app is intended as a personal coach to help you address and overcome the emotional issues that accompany divorce. You start by inputting your reason for ending your marriage, your goals, and other details that the platform uses to present options for counseling or training sessions. Topics include post-divorce finances and budgeting, rediscovering your own interests and hobbies, and advice on how to get back into dating.
Consult with a Pasco County, FL Divorce Lawyer About Legal Issues
Regardless of the features and benefits of these apps, they do not serve as a replacement for the skills and knowledge of an experienced divorce attorney. For more information, please contact The Law Office of Laurie R. Chane. You can set up a consultation at our Dade City, FL office by calling 352-567-0055 or filling out an online contact form.