Types of Alimony in Florida Divorce Cases

If you’re considering or going through divorce in Florida, one of the key considerations in your case may be alimony. Whether you could be paying it or receiving it, spousal support can be one of the most hotly contested issues. Still, when you understand the objective of alimony, you’ll see why it might be appropriate. The point is to balance out the financial resources between divorcing spouses, one of whom may have significant income or economic opportunities as compared to the other. To serve this objective, Florida’s statute on alimony describes multiple types of financial support.
Of course, just like every divorce case is different, every consideration regarding alimony is unique to the parties. The law encourages agreement on the matter, but the court may come to a determination on which type of spousal support is most suitable for your situation. You should discuss the details with a Florida alimony lawyer, and read on for a description of the different forms defined in the statute.
Temporary Alimony: Divorce proceedings can take some time, so Florida law allows one party to obtain spousal support while the case is pending. The court will first decide whether alimony is appropriate, and then move on to determine the amount. When the final divorce decree is entered, this temporary form of alimony terminates – though it may be replaced by one of the other types.
Bridge-the-Gap Alimony: Parties to a divorce go from married to single life, a scenario that a lower earning spouse may not be financially prepared to address. Transitional support is available through this form of alimony, through which one party can pay bills and living expenses while starting anew.
Rehabilitative Spousal Maintenance: If one spouse gave up educational or employment opportunities to support the household, that person may need assistance with becoming self-sufficient. Rehabilitative alimony can provide financial support to allow a party to go back to school or gain vocational skills training. When a judge considers this form of alimony, the resulting order must provide a specific plan. The recipient must comply with the arrangement, or the payor can seek a modification.
Durational Spousal Support: Usually for marriages lasting between seven and seventeen years, one spouse may be entitled to alimony for a designated time period after divorce. The amount of time cannot exceed the length of the marriage. This form of alimony is not modifiable.
Permanent Alimony: Primarily for marriages that lasted in excess of seventeen years, it’s possible for one party to be awarded spousal support on a permanent basis. Many factors are considered in evaluating a permanent alimony case.
Learn More About Alimony from a Florida Divorce Attorney
If you have questions regarding the different types of alimony, please contact the Law Office of Laurie R. Chane. Our Dade City alimony lawyers represent clients on both sides of the spousal support issue, so we’re prepared to protect your interests. We can explain your rights in more detail after reviewing your situation, so please call 352-567-0055 or go online to set up a consultation at our Dade City, FL office today.